Drupal 10.x

How to submit a form from another submit handler.

In some cases, we might want to modify the form submission behaviour to better fit a particular use case. For instance, we would like to offer our own submit handler, and we will contact the original submit handler under specific circumstances.

Here, we'll utilise the module name example to change the way a form submits when its form ID is demo_form, which is provided by demo module. To do this, we'll create the code that follows in example.module file:


How to use the Drupal 9 module in a Drupal 10 project using Composer if its MR is already ready for Drupal 10 compatibility

We have often found that in the Drupal 9 project, multiple modules are not compatible with Drupal 10, and when we check the module issue queue, especially with the term "Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes", we can find at least one issue where the project update bot creates this issue automatically against each module and provides a patch with possible fixes except for making changes in module.info.yml.
