Drupal 8.x

Change document root in nginx for external drive

I have a scenario in which I use Windows and Ubuntu on the same machine, and I want my sites to be shared across the OS. I have created a directory called 'common-sites' on my D drive, and I have configured the Drupal site with the domain drupal-demo-8.com.

My Ubuntu has an nginx web server. I want my common-sites to be available for Ubuntu as well.



Drupal console with aquia/blt drupal 8

The Drupal console makes Drupal developers' lives really easy.

Install the Drupal console on your system.

Download and move it to the local path with execute permission, then run the following commands:

curl https://drupalconsole.com/installer -L -o drupal.phar
mv drupal.phar /usr/local/bin/drupal
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/drupal

Run the following command to copy the config file into your home directory.


Setup drupal 8 multisite on nginx with different domain

How to setup Drupal 8 multisite on an Nginx web server using different domains? In this example, we are going to use three different domains for our Drupal-8 multi-site ex: drupal-main.com, drupal-first.com, and drupal-second.com. Here, drupal-main.com will be the main site pointing to our Drupal-8 installation, while two others will be pointing to the directories site1 and site2 respectively.

The directory structure will be as follows:
